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Degrees of Efficiency

Being good stewards across our operations.

Rheem Employee
Streamlining Sustainably
We strive for operational excellence, working smarter and more sustainably to consume fewer resources, generate less waste and ensure simpler, safer processes. With a mindset of continuous improvement, our global operations are evaluated for efficiency and impact on the environment. And, we're strengthening our goals and metrics to actively reduce our ecological footprint, while making responsible decisions that benefit us all.

Our 2025 Commitment to Responsible Processes

By 2025, Rheem® will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and achieve zero waste to landfill in its global manufacturing operations.1

See the DifferenceHere & Everywhere

Click the map to enter an interactive experience where you can watch videos that detail how we’re tracking against our Zero Waste to Landfill goals.

Tour One of Our Most Efficient Factories

Our Fort Smith, AR, plant is a modern marvel of sustainable operations. And we’ve recently made improvements that have made it even more efficient.
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Going Green All Over

By reducing refrigerant leakage rate from 1.7% in 2018 to 0.5% resulting in a 28% emission reduction equivalent to around 50,000 vehicles taken off the road in a year
Water conservation efforts at our Raypak facility since 2019 have saved nearly 10 million gallons of municipal water
Pretreatment of metals at our Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, factory helps us avoid 1,500 metric tons of GHG emissions per year
Packaging updates at our Fort Smith, AR, factory have reduced cardboard usage, saving trees
Reprocessing steel dust in our Australian factories prevents more than 100 tons per year from ending up in landfills
Using inflated bags in our Waterbury, CT, factory instead of foam for packing avoids 26,600 cubic feet of styrofoam packing material per year
By performing a comprehensive study of all Rheem North American manufacturing sites in 2018, we can easily measure the impact of improvements
Switching our tankless packaging from foam to honeycomb-shaped cardboard will significantly reduce hard-to-recycle waste, while maintaining the same level of product protection
Replacing the cooling towers and switching to LED lighting at our Nuevo Laredo facilities resulted in a 4,093,930 kWh reduction in electricity consumption per year
Our Rydalmere, Australia, facility installed a solar array that has generated 136.5 MWh of electricity and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 112 tons

Degrees of Innovation icon
Degrees of Innovation

We are focused on innovating with intent, engineering solutions with lifetime sustainability in mind—from material selection to smart features to responsible recycling.

Learn more about our efficient
product innovations
Rheem water heater, hybrid water heater, and air conditioner
Degrees of Leadership
Degrees of Leadership

We hire and inspire our teams to be next-generation thinkers and responsible stewards of our industry, greater community and the environment.

Learn more about how we inspire
our people and partners
A celebration 100 years in the making
With the help of our people and our partners we've driven industry innovation for 100 years. We're proud that it's all led to Rheem being the brand that homeowners and businesses count on. And the best part is, we're just getting started.
Join the celebration