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As the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year, Rheem is acutely aware of the importance of bringing sustainable, intelligent solutions to the market that can truly make a difference for the environment. When speaking with homeowners, contractors should educate them on their portfolio of products that are ENERGY STAR-certified and how they can help homeowners meet their home sustainability goals and protect the environment.Another green trend on the rise: eco-friendly materials and parts. As homeowners strive for more sustainable homes, they not only want to source more efficient HVAC systems but are also paying attention to their individual parts and materials as another avenue to lower their carbon footprint.If you need help talking about how Rheem and the HVAC industry are working toward a more sustainable future, visit for more information.
Smart technology
Like sustainable home systems, smart technology is becoming a must-have. An estimated 69% of US homes own at least one smart home product—a number that is expected to grow—and 81% of real estate purchasers say that they would be more inclined to buy a house if it came with smart technology systems.
For the HVAC industry, this means seeing a potential boom in systems that allow homeowners to control and monitor temperatures around the house remotely.
The ongoing supply chain delays may have a big impact on HVAC in the new year, as vital parts and materials may be in short supply. To minimize long lead times, contractors and homeowners alike will have to be prepared and proactive about maintenance. Although automated systems can help optimize this process, working with a trusted partner like Rheem will be essential to ensure that contractors are able to meet market demands and satisfy customers.
“For this heating season, I think about it this way: Since contractors will be able to get into homes in a way that maybe they haven’t in the last heating season, it’s really about advocating for that whole health checkup,” Day says. “They should provide this to homeowners and make sure that things are appropriately working and moving. There’s no doubt that people are more conscious, and have been during the pandemic, as to how their systems are operating, what needs to be done, and upgrades. Every industry now faces supply chain challenges, and I think the Rheem operations and supply chain teams have done a fantastic job of mitigating risks for us and moving us forward and farther than a lot of the others.”
At the end of the day, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest HVAC trends, regulations, innovations, and homeowner interests and needs as the industry continues to evolve. In fact, that’s what Day sees as the biggest obstacle come 2022 and beyond.
“The greatest challenge is keeping up with all of these changes. When we say things like, ‘All of the products that you buy from Rheem today, a year from now they are going to be substantially different in many ways.’ Their first question then is, OK, how do I get caught up on what these new regulations are? How do I get caught up on even understanding the new vernacular?”
The answer: training. Rheem is dedicated to supporting contractors and providing the necessary training that they need to be successful in the field. Visit to find a training online or in-person right for you.
At Rheem, we strive to innovate
best-in-class products to lead the industry
in environmental improvements.
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