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The millennial generation, i.e. those born between 1981 and 1996, has officially overtaken Baby Boomers as America’s largest living adult generation, according to Pew Research.
For HVAC business owners, this statistic is something to seriously consider as you find ways to attract and retain new customers. With millennials landing between the ages of 25 to 40 years old, it’s safe to assume that they are, or will soon be, a large portion of your homeowner customer base.
Research about millennials continues to emerge, but we do know that this generation’s expectations and actions are different from those of previous generations, and businesses, including your HVAC business, should be shifting tactics accordingly to appeal to the millennial consumer. If you haven’t started doing this already, consider these four tactics:
1. Be a Mobile-Friendly Business
One thing we know for certain: Millennials have fully embraced technology and a digital way of life. 93% of millennials own smartphones—more than any other generation—and a majority of them are using their mobile devices to conduct their everyday searches. As a HVAC service provider, having a mobile-friendly presence is key to attracting these smartphone-using, millennials looking for service providers in their area.
For starters, make sure that your business is utilizing business listing features with major websites like Yelp, Google, Bing, Facebook and more. By listing your business in these online directories, you’re maximizing the reach and visibility of your business and service offerings.
It’s also important to ensure potential customers are able to seamlessly navigate your business’ website via their mobile device, because the second they run into issues—like the load time taking too long or inability to easily find important information—they’ll move on to the next HVAC provider they see listed.
Google offers a variety of tools to help optimize your business’ website for mobile:
2. Have an Engaging Social Media Presence
With millennials leading the pack in smartphone usage, it won’t come as a surprise that they’re also the biggest adopter of social media. According to eMarketer, 90.4% of millennials are active on social media, compared to only 77.5% of Generation X and 48.2% of Baby Boomers.
For a business looking to attract and retain millennial customers who are entering the next phase of their lives—homeownership—being present and active on social media is key. Our recent blog, Social Media Expert Weights in on Best Practices for HVAC Businesses, offers advice for how HVAC businesses can strengthen their social media presence. Key takeaways include:
3. Provide Instant Customer Support
Eight in 10 customers say they’d switch to a competitor due to poor service. And as a generation that embraces technology, smartphones and social media, millennials’ customer service expectations have evolved. These days, customers are accustomed to instant gratification and real-time responses, and businesses have to adapt in order to keep them happy and loyal to your business.
To provide your millennial customers with the support they expect, your business should be offering multiple customer service touchpoints. These touchpoints can be in-person, over the phone, on your website and via social media. But beyond just offering these touchpoints, you should also make high-quality service a priority:
4. Be a Socially Responsible Business
73% of global millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings and more than 80% expect companies to make a public commitment to good corporate citizenship.
“More likely to embrace brands making a difference, Millennials want to align themselves with organizations doing good in the world and use their purchasing power to support companies that have similar values,” said Julie Turner, VP of marketing for a pet care franchise, to Inc. magazine in their roundup on tips for marketing to millennials.
No matter what type of business you are, millennials’ incentive to engage with you significantly increases when you’ve shown a commitment to a social responsibility. For an HVAC business, you can show your commitment through the following:
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