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2022 Blog Highlights: Homeowner Edition

December 15, 2022
2022 blog highlights homeowner edition

We strive to provide articles that will help you extend the life of your water heater and find the next one when the time is right. We want to provide information about new products, new features and ways to make your experience with water heating more comfortable.

Subscribe so you’re here for everything ahead.

Let us know if there are any topics you’d like to see featured next year by emailing us at

2022 Blog Highlights: Plumber Edition

December 15, 2022
2022 blog highlights plumber edition

We’re here to help you find everything you need to know about water heating. We’ll connect you with Rheem product information, new products, training and resources you need throughout the year. The goal is to help you grow your business.

Subscribe so you’re here for everything ahead.

Let us know if there are any topics you’d like to see featured next year by emailing us at

5 Things to Do Before You Call a Plumber

December 15, 2022
before you call a plumber

Most homeowners don’t memorize their water heater’s key product information. When you need to contact a plumber, following these 5 steps will make diagnosing issues and servicing easier.

1. Find out the age of your water heater

This is easy to find on the label of your water heater, but it’s different for each brand. On a Rheem® water heater, you can find the week and year of manufacture by looking at the first few digits of the serial number.

Plumber Support Manager Profile: Robert Haworth

December 15, 2022
plumber support manager

Meet Robert Haworth, one of our newer Plumber Support Managers (PSMs) who comes with experience in the plumbing, marketing and business worlds. He grew up in Ohio, then moved to Arizona as a teenager. He’s stayed in Arizona for 40 years and counting, although he’s worked in Florida and Alabama for a few years as well.

He’s a proud husband, father to six and grandfather to six. When he’s not tending to his children and grandchildren,

Federal Tax Credits on ENERGY STAR Certified Water Heaters

December 8, 2022
tax credits

If you purchased an ENERGY STAR® certified water heater in 2022, you may be eligible for a tax credit. The existing 25C federal tax credit has been extended through December 31, 2022. The Rheem® Water Heating Division of Rheem Manufacturing Company certifies that the water heating models listed here meet the $300 25C tax credit criteria for ENERGY STAR® certified gas water heaters with UEF>=0.82 and Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater with UEF>=2.2.