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You may know about power plants, but have you heard of virtual power plants? Often referred to as VPPs, they use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or cellular services to control smart devices like smart thermostats connected to HVAC systems, smart water heaters, photovoltaic solar panels, battery storage systems and EV charging stations. This network of smart devices or assets helps manage electricity demand throughout the day and avoid electric grid emergency response and use of expensive power sources when electricity demand is high.
Our engineers are integral to our innovative spirit, and this is a special feature on the women for Women in Engineering Day 2024.
Q & A with the Engineers
Why did you decide to become an engineer?
Shruti S. – Choosing to become a materials engineer was a diverse path for me, driven by a desire to gain knowledge and enhance my skill set. My aspiration is to pave the way for future opportunities for society.
A heat pump water heater is beyond impressive. To many people, how it works is somewhat of a mystery. Once you understand how it heats water, it will make sense that it is the ultimate in efficiency. It helps homeowners qualify for tax credits, earn utility company incentives and enjoy energy cost savings.
What It Is
We’ll start with the Rheem® ProTerra® Hybrid Electric Heat Pump Water Heater. It’s a heat pump and electric water heater in one.
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in environmental improvements.
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