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How Demand Response Programs Save You Energy and Money

October 6, 2022
demand response programs save energy and money

Energy supply is limited to what utilities generate during peak hours. Your water heater is the second single biggest user of electricity in your home, making up 13.6% of residential energy usage by appliance. It’s second only to space heating and cooling, which uses the most energy at 42%. Both are major opportunities to change residential energy usage.

Changing energy usage is especially urgent in California, where energy grids are becoming more vulnerable to climate-related disasters like heat waves,

Rheem IKONIC Tankless and MiniTank Featured in HGTV Urban Oasis® 2022

October 6, 2022
HGTV Urban Oasis kitchen

Comfort at home is something you strive for, and we have the water heating solutions to bring it to you. Our Rheem® IKONIC™ Super High Efficiency Condensing Tankless Water Heater is featured in HGTV Urban Oasis® 2022.
One lucky winner will enjoy the comfort of continuous hot water without the wait. This water heater sets the new standard in tankless by combining best-in-class high-efficiency performance with smart technology.

Celebrating Energy Efficiency Day with Rheem

October 5, 2022
energy efficiency day Rheem sustainability smart electric tankless plug-in

With Energy Efficiency Day now here, we wanted to reflect on what it means to us to be energy efficient. Energy Efficiency Day falls on the first Wednesday of October every year. It aims to spread awareness about the benefits of energy efficiency, from lower costs to healthier homes and environmental conservation. Here at Rheem®, we’re passionate about making sure you have the resources to meet your hot water needs and reduce your energy use and cost.

The Inner Workings of a Rheem IKONIC Condensing Tankless Water Heater

September 1, 2022
Rheem IKONIC tankless

Previously, we’ve demystified how condensing and non-condensing tankless water heaters function. The Rheem® IKONIC™ Super High Efficiency Condensing Water Heater with Recirculation, is the ultimate in convenience—and water savings—with unlimited hot water. Imagining how a compact, minimal clearance water heater can produce so much hot water quickly can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ll walk you through how the Rheem IKONIC unit functions.

How the Rheem IKONIC Condensing Tankless Water Heater Works

The Rheem IKONIC Condensing Tankless Water Heater works like a Rheem condensing tankless unit with a slightly different process and added benefits.

Rheem IKONIC Is the New Standard in Tankless Water Heating

August 25, 2022
Rheem IKONIC for water heater

Rheem® IKONIC™ is revolutionizing tankless. Our newest tankless water heater combines super high efficiency with smart technology. The goal is to get continuous hot water on demand and save money during times when you’re not using it. Continuous hot water means families can wash the dishes, load the laundry, cook dinner, bathe the kids and take long hot showers. With the built-in recirculation pump, you can choose when and how you want unlimited hot water.

Leading the Decarbonization Transition with Heat Pump Water Heaters

August 5, 2022
decarbonization heat pump water heaters

As governments globally strive to achieve carbon emission reduction targets, decarbonization is a term you’ll hear more often. Decarbonization simply means the act of removing carbon. Similarly, a decarbonized economy is an economy that produces net-zero or carbon-neutral emissions.

Why Carbon Dioxide Matters

Why is it so important that we reduce CO2 emissions and decarbonize the economy? First, let’s understand the carbon cycle and why carbon matters.

The Earth has a naturally occurring carbon cycle that attempts to reach a dynamic equilibrium between the atmosphere and the Earth’s biosphere and oceans.

Your Comprehensive Homeowner Water Heating Resources Toolkit

July 26, 2022
water heating homeowner resources toolkit

As a homeowner, you’re probably always working to keep up, improve and invest in your home. It can be as simple as cleaning up the counters or adding a new decoration. It can be as complex as renovating the whole house. There’s a lot that goes into owning a home, but in any case, maintaining a home successfully goes beyond the exterior and can get technical.

Your water heater is the backbone of all you do inside the house,

The Inner Workings of a Tankless, Creating Continuous Hot Water

June 23, 2022
tankless water heater how it works

It’s quite a mystery. How does such a small water heater produce a continuous supply of hot water? From the outside, our tankless water heater looks like a simple gray box. However, there is a lot going on in there and we’re showing you the textbook version of how a Rheem® tankless water heater works. It won’t be a mystery anymore. We’ll walk you through how condensing and non-condensing gas tankless units function.

How a Rheem Condensing Water Heater Works

Condensing tankless water heaters are much more efficient than non-condensing water heaters because they have two heat exchangers.

The Full Story on Rebates and Incentives for Heat Pump Water Heaters

June 14, 2022
heat pump water heater rebates and incentives

Across the country, local utilities and incentive programs offer rebates and credits for switching to Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWHs). The goal is for homeowners to adopt high efficiency HPWHs to reduce energy demand, lower carbon emissions and help utility companies provide a reliable energy supply.

Why Are There Rebates and Incentives for Heat Pump Water Heaters?

Many states and cities have set aggressive carbon emission reduction targets. For example, California’s target is to reach net zero or carbon neutrality by 2045.

Everything You Want to Know About Tankless Water Heaters

May 19, 2022
tankless water heater

You may have heard about tankless water heaters, but how much do you know about them? We wanted to gather some of the top questions people have about tankless and put it all in one place. This will save you some time researching and help you decide if a tankless water heater is right for you. We’ll take some of the mystery out of a tankless and you’ll be well-informed on the benefits of a Rheem® tankless.